How to Choose the Best Insurance Companies — The Smart Way

Jaza Pay
3 min readMar 9, 2021


How to choose the best insurance companies in Kenya can be done by having a look at the various insurance company packages and products that are offered. One of the first things to take note of is the terms and conditions attached to the insurance plan. Kenya is a country where there are various insurance company operators and entities offering different insurance plans, policies and deals. It is, therefore, imperative that you are well aware of the coverage and benefits that you can expect from the insurance company. Here are some pointers on how to choose the best insurance companies in Kenya.

Most of the best insurance companies in Kenya specialize in particular types of insurance like life insurance, home insurance, vehicle insurance, health insurance, disability insurance, etc. Therefore, it is always wise to ensure that you know the type of insurance that you are looking for. This way, you will be able to narrow down your search and find the right company to back you up. For example, if you need disability insurance, you will not have to worry about finding another insurance company that does not provide coverage on disability. Instead, you should look out for insurance companies that specifically deal with disability.

Once you are aware of the insurance company that best meets your requirements, do a background check on the company. A background check can help you figure out the track record of the insurance company. This means that you can determine how long the insurance company has been in business, the claims that it has processed and the number of clients that have been covered by the insurance company.

You can also use the Internet to obtain information on various insurance companies in Kenya. You can visit the websites of various insurance companies in Kenya and obtain quotes. There are many insurance companies that offer free quotes on their websites. You can also contact the company with questions and request a quote. Obtaining insurance quotes from different insurance companies is a good idea because this will allow you to compare them.

It is important to work with an insurance company that will suit your needs. If you are looking for insurance for your business, you should talk with the insurance company in charge. You can get help from a business insurance professional. On the other hand, if you are looking for insurance for yourself, it is important to take your time and understand the insurance company before you make any decision. There are many insurance companies in Kenya. Therefore, you need to choose the right one to work with.

The insurance companies can either be owned by an international group or they can be locally-owned and operated. In addition, there are hybrid insurance companies. Some hybrid insurance companies are owned by an international group and have local operations. Examples of these companies include Kipokani Insurance Company and Insurance Kenya.

You will find many insurance companies advertising online. However, when choosing an insurance company online, it is important to look for reliability, customer service, good insurance deals, and competitive prices. It is also a good idea to compare insurance companies based on their rates. In most cases, you will be able to choose the lowest rate for your cover.

In order to get the best insurance policy, you need to do research and get as much insurance quotes as possible. In fact, the insurance companies can give you up to 10 insurance quotes for free. You can use these quotes to select the best one that suits your needs.



Jaza Pay

JIA is a Kenyan insurance agency with a national reach. We specialize in offering personalized insurance services in motor, home, health, personal accident.